Friday, July 13, 2007


I have secretly been coveting one of these pink badges for some time; I have felt like I did at primary school when everyone had superballs and I had to wait until the weekend for mum to get me one. A week is a long time when you're seven.

Now, however, I am replete: the lovely Keir Royale, with whom I share a background in broadcasting and an appreciation of David Bowie, has made me very happy by bestowing a Rockin' Blogger award upon me.

I am passing the honour on to Rilly Super and Gill - because they both give me the giggles.


@themill said...

Well done you. I always wanted a sparkly pink sequinned purse. Never got one tho'.

Linda Mason said...

What is it and what does it mean?

Yup, thick me!

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

@themill, thankyou. You go and buy yourself one girl! My mate got a gold sequinned handbag at the Metro centre for the races ...

IMB, it is a badge of honour to say someone likes your blog. There is also a 'Rockin' Girl blogger' one doing the rounds.

lady macleod said...

Huzzah!! You ARE rockin'. I knew that.

Gill said...

ooh thank you- it's a bit PINK and sparkly though isn't it. I suspect that the universal ladyboy will find it charming. er what do I DO about it??

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Thanks Lady M.

Gill, you stick it on the side of your blog to show the world how rockin' you are, then award it to one or two others you feel deserve the same accolade!

Gill said...

so i just copy it? anyone can have one then!

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Copy it yes... but not everyone can have one. You have to be awarded it.

Anyone could go and buy a George Cross at auction but that's not the same as being awarded it for a reason! ;)

Nunhead Mum of One said...

See, if I'd have known I could nominate more than one person I'd have nominated you as well as DM! But, as I said in my post, you do make me laugh.....thank you x

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Sulk! I wouldn't want to be a Rocking Blogger anyway. Perfectly happy being sedentary.

Bud Fisher said...

I think I liked that Rising Blogger award better...

Iota said...

Congrats - totally well deserved.

Me said...

Congratulations. You deserve it :)

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Thank you people!

Yp, pink's not your colour...

Bud, I must confess I forgot to put my Rising Blogger award on the sidebar... I may do so now ...

Omega Mum said...

Many congrats and thoroughly well deserved......Always enjoy your posts.

rilly super said...

oh gosh, crikey M&M, sob.. I don't know what to say. I can't thank my agent, he's hopeless, and my family haven't been very supportive at all so they're not going to get a mention, and as for my parents.....